- Piksa, M., Noworyta, K., Gundersen, A. B., Kunst, J., Morzy, M., Piasecki, J., Rygula, R. (2023). Are we willing to share what we believe is true? Factors influencing susceptibility to fake news. in Front. Psychiatry, 16 August 2023 Sec. Digital Mental Health Volume 14 – 2023 |
- Gundersen, A.B., Van der Linden, S., Piksa, M., Morzy, M., Piasecki, J., Ryguła, R., Gwiaździński, R., Noworyta, K., Kunst, J.R. (2023). The role of perceived minority-group status in the conspiracy beliefs of factual majority groups. in The Royal Society Publishing, 18 October 2023 I
- Piksa, M., Noworyta, K., Piasecki, J., Gwiazdzinski, P., Gundersen, AB., Kunst, J., and Rygula, R. (2022) Cognitive Processes and Personality Traits Underlying Four Phenotypes of Susceptibility to (Mis)Information. Front. Psychiatry 13:912397. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.912397.
- Gwiaździński, P., Kunst, J. R., Gundersen, A. B., Noworyta, K., Olejniuk, A., & Piasecki, J. (2021). Psychological interventions countering misinformation in social media : a scoping review : research protocol. In Figshare (pp. [1–9]).
- Krysińska, I., Wójtowicz, T., Olejniuk, A., Morzy, M., & Piasecki, J. (2021). Be careful who you follow : the impact of the initial set of friends on COVID-19 vaccine tweets. In Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks (OASIS ’21), August 30, 2021, Virtual Event, Ireland. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
All scientific publications and research data based on the results of the #Webimmunization project are deposited in the repository of the Jagiellonian University, which also belongs to the OpenAIRE:
- 29 November 2020 – “Walka z natłokiem niesprawdzonych informacji” (Fighting the flooding of unverified information), information service Kronika TVP3 Kraków
- 5 February 2021 – “Kto wierzy w fake newsy? Badacze chcą zwalczać szkodliwe informacje jak epidemie“, (Who believes in fake news? Researchers want to fight harmful information like epidemics), Polish Press Agency (PAP)
- 9 March 2021 – “Dezinformacja – choroba XXI wieku” (Disinformation – a disease of the 21st century),Polskie Radio 4 (Polish Radio 4)
- 22 November 2021 – “Asymetria w dmuchaniu baniek informacyjnych: Uważaj, kogo śledzisz” (Asymmetry in blowing information bubbles: Be careful who you follow), Nauka w Polsce (Science in Poland)
- 26 November 2021 – “Uważaj, kogo obserwujesz w sieci” (Be careful, who you follow), Po Prostu Nauka (Just Science)
- 7 December 2021 – radio broadcast in Radio Kraków
- 10 December 2021 – radio broadcast in Radio Złote Przeboje, Rock Radio, Radio Pogoda
- 5 April 2022 – participation in a podcast Techstorie – Radio TOK FM: Spotify & Radio TOK FM
We introduce a new method of analyzing the potential of Twitter’s impact on vaccine hesitancy. We create bots that significantly differ in the initial seed set of followed accounts. Each seed set has varying percentages of vaccine skeptics and vaccine advocates. We allow our bots to access Twitter’s timeline a few times a day. If the bot reads any tweet related to COVID-19 vaccines, it will follow the author of the tweet. After the end of the experiments, we carefully examine the profile of tweets observed during the experiment.